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___ ___ ___ ___ _____
( _`\ | _`\ ( _`\ ( _`\ (_ _)
| | ) | | (_) ) | (_(_) | | ) | ____ | | __ _ _ ___ ___
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(____/'(_)(_) (_)(_)`\____) (____/'(____) (_)`\____)`\__,_)(_) (_) (_)
<font face="Iceland" size="5" color="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center"><font color="#3A9DC6" face="Iceland" size="8"> | Hacked by Fouzi Baws-DZ |</font></p><p align="center">
</font></p><center><font face="Iceland" size="5" color="#FFFFFF"><img style="-webkit-user-select: none" src="http://cdn.top4top.co/p_5598nnl1.png" width="500" height="450"><br>
<embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/nm3_1EThFt0&autoplay=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="1" width="1" __idm_id__="462849">
<p align="center"><font color="#3A9DC6" face="Iceland" size="8">#Op_world | Free_Palestine</font></p><p align="center">
<font face="Iceland" size="5" color="#FFFFFF">
<font color="red" size="15"></font>
<div class="ISD" align="center">Muslim Is Not A Terrorist </div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">America </font> Takes 1 Milliom Lives in iraq For Oil :<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">when <font color="#3A9DC6">serbs </font> rape Muslim women In Kosovo/bosnla :<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">Russians </font> Kill 200.00 Cherchens In Bombings :<font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">Jews</font> Kik Out Palestinians And Take their Land : <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">America </font> Drones Kill entire Family In Afghanistan/Pakistan : <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">Israel</font> Kills 10.000 Lebanese Civilians Due to 2 mising Soldiers : <font color="red"> Not Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">When <font color="#3A9DC6">Muslims</font> Retaliate and Show you How treat us : <font color="red"> Terrorism </font></div>
<div class="email" align="center">IT seems Like The World <font color="red">"Terrorism"</font> is only Reserved For Muslims<</div>
<div class="email" align="center"><table width="698" border="0">
</p><p align="center">
<font style="font-size: 11.5pt"><font color="white" face="Iceland"><font color="white"> We Are : </font>
<font><font color="red"> Said-Verde-Rosso | Fouzi Baws-DZ | | Hakim Amiral | Chitane Dz | Ox_fares | Fayssal Plas Doz | YOSF DOSKY | Joanna | </font><br><br>
<font color="red" size="5"></font>
<br> <center>
<div class="email" align="center">My website : https://www.drs-dz-team.net/ </div>
</center> </br>
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