Клей Loctite 319/7649

Список производителей


Loctite (Ireland)

Клей Loctite 319/7649
Two-component adhesive that does not require any mixing. Activator 7649 is applied on one
surface and adhesive 319 on the other. Specially suitable for glass and metal, but also for ceramics and some plastics.
Package: 4 g adhesive,
5 ml activator
Viscosity: 2750 mPa.s
Max. gap fill: 0.5 mm2
Shear strength: c. 17 N/mm2
Max. temp: 120 °C
Fixture time: c. 30 min.
Fully cured: 12 hrs.


Производитель: Loctite (Ireland)

Артикул производителя: Loctite 319/7649

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