Детектор No Climb, SOLOA7

Список производителей


No Climb

Type Smoke Detector Air Duster Spray
Application Testing of Smoke and Heat Fire Detectors
Detector Duster

Solo Detector Duster is ideal for cleaning dust and dirt from detector heads, which if left to accumulate can lead to false alarms or failure to detect. Remove detector head using Solo 2000 Removal Tool before using.

* Non flammable
Non Ozone depleting
Can: 6.6cm dia x 15cm O/A
Contents: 250ml
Shelf life: 18months from ddmmyy
Range Overview

Detector Test and Maintenance

The performance of smoke and heat detectors may be affected by many factors, making regular testing of detectors a paramount concern. In fact BS5839-1:2002 recommends annual testing of all fire detectors in a safe and controlled manner. The professional Solo system comprises of interchangeable and universal test & maintenance tools, fitted to a common set of poles, for use at heights up 9m. The range is manufactured in modern non-conductive plastics and fibreglass, which are both lightweight and durable.

1. All products within this range require an extension pole for use at ceiling height or higher
2. All equipment is supplied with instructions

* Quick, safe and easy testing of smoke and heat fire detectors
Access, removal and replacement of detectors at heights up to 9m
Regular testing helps to reduce detector false alarms
Suitable for virtually all makes and types of fire detector
Suitable for both optical and ionisation smoke detectors
Suitable for both rate-of-rise and fixed temperature heat detectors
Saves time and money over traditional techniques


Производитель: No Climb

Артикул производителя: SOLO A7-005

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