512C Range Speed Controllers
The 512C range of isolated dc. motor speed controllers are suitable for use with both dc. shunt and permanent magnet motors.
Drive healthy relay driver output - 24V dc.
Speed trim input
Features of 512C and 514C Range Speed Controllers
Jumper selectable single phase input voltage 110/120 or 220/240 or 380/415V ±10%
Linear current feedback allowing accurate torque
Zero speed or zero set point relay driver output - 24V dc.
Total setpoint output
Stall detection and trip
Field bridge suitable for UK or continental voltages
Overload capacity 150% of nominal current for 60 secs.
Adjustable maximum current level
Adjustable maximum and minimum speed
Adjustable I.R. compensation (for armature voltage feedback speed control)
Adjustable speed stability
Independent control of speed ramp, both up and down from 0-40 secs.
Indication of mains supply on; stall trip and overcurrent trip
Switch selectable current calibration
Switch selectable Armature/Tacho generator feedback
Buffered 0-10 V output for a speed reference or meter
Buffered 0-7.5 V output for a current meter (7.5 V = 150%)a comprehensive instruction manual.
Производитель: Eurotherm
Артикул производителя: 512C/32/01/00/00