KS 98-1 контроллер West Instruments

Список производителей


KS 98-1



Артикул производителя: KS 98-1


Product Category: Multi-loop Controller

Dimensions and size: 96m x 96mm x 118mm (HxWxD), 1/4 DIN

Connectors: Screw terminals

Primary Input Type:Universal (TC, RTD, DC linear mA/mV)

Other Inputs: External setpoint, Ratio input, Potentiometer input, Three component input, Mathmatical functions

Output Type: Measured valve output

Max. Number of Outputs: 11

Scan Time: 200 ms

Number of Programmer Segments:> 1000

Control Type:Fully programable. Includes 2-point (on/off), continuous PID control, or 3-point stepping, cascade, ratio etc

Power Supply:24 V AC/DC, 90-250 VAC

Communications:TTL, Modbus RS422/485, PROFIBUS DP

Panel Sealing:IP65

Certifications:CE, cULus, DIN EN 14597

Software Tools:

Blue Control Basic

Engineering Tool ET/KS 98 Plus

Downloader DL/KS 98-1

Simulation SIM/KS 98

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